пятница, 19 сентября 2014 г.

Сегодня: 19 сентября

В этот день:

1757 - В Дублине открытие St Patrick's Hospital, построенной на средства настоятеля Свифта, завещавшего все свои сбережения на постройку лечебницы для душевнобольных

1880 - Парнелл произносит свою знаменитую речь в Эннисе.

I wish to point out to you a very much better way – a more Christian and charitable way, which will give the lost man an opportunity of repenting. When a man takes a farm from which another has been evicted, you must shun him on the roadside when you meet him – you must shun him in the streets of the town – you must shun him in the shop – you must shun him on the fair green and in the market place, and even in the place of worship, by leaving him alone, by putting him in moral Coventry, by isolating him from the rest of the country, as if he were the leper of old – you must show him your detestation of the crime he committed.

1905 - Скончался Томас Джон Барнардо - филантроп, основатель домов для бедных детей в Дублине. С дня основания в 1870 и до смерти Барнардо было спасено около 100,000 детей. Организация Barnardo's существует до сих пор.

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